
Red wine

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Buy red wine: Our handpicked selection of quality wines

Red wine is the perfect companion on many occasions. It is served with a heavy meal, is often drunk on public holidays and it is the epitome of cosiness on cold winter days. But anyone who wants to buy a good red wine is faced with an almost confusing selection of products. We have therefore put together a handpicked selection in our Vinigrandi online shop.

This is how you recognize a good red wine

There are various indications that you can use to identify a good drop even as a non-sommelier. We have summarized a few of the most important information for you below.

The vintage
The vintage should always be shown on the label. You can find out in advance which year was a good red wine year and should then try to buy a red wine from this vintage.
The region
You can usually buy red wines from well-known and well-known growing areas such as Bordeaux AC without hesitation. But be careful: Today it is usually no longer the regions, but the exact locations that are printed on the labels. You then have to find out which region the wine comes from.
The grape variety
For wines from Germany, the grape variety is usually printed on the labels as a special quality feature. If you know them - all the better.

The price can also be an evaluation criterion when buying red wine. However, you cannot rely on the formula “expensive wine = good wine” and vice versa. Even if you spend a lot of money on a seemingly good drop, it can happen that you don't like it in the end.

Buy the right red wine for your occasion

Various filters are available in the Vinigrandi online shop, which you can use to select your red wine. You will find corresponding wines for a planned menu or vintage wines for different occasions. You are also welcome to buy red wines from your preferred wine region from us.

Buy red wine from specialist retailers in the Vinigrandi online shop

We won't leave you alone when choosing a good red wine. Behind our shop are experienced wine connoisseurs who have made a handpicked selection of the best quality for you. Every red wine that you can buy from us meets our own high quality standards.

In our shop we offer wines in different price ranges. You can buy a very good red wine for 10 to 20 euros, but we also offer premium wines for special occasions.

FAQ: Interesting facts about red wine

How do I know that a red wine is corking?

Visually, the lack of a corky wine cannot be seen. Rather, it is noticeable through a musty aroma. The smell can be compared to that of a wet rag or wet cardboard.

Is only a red wine with a cork a good wine?

For a long time the theory was held that a good red wine has to "breathe" through the cork. In the meantime, however, long-term studies have shown that this theory is no longer applicable to all types of wine. On the contrary, Spanish viticulture institutes have even proven that the gradual oxidation leads to faster aging. The screw cap, on the other hand, offers better protection against oxidation and tannins and sulfites are retained longer. The only thing missing when you buy a red wine with a screw cap is the cork-pulling ceremony.

Which red wine should I buy for cooking?

The following rule applies: Only use red wines for your meal that you would drink yourself. Very strong red wines with lots of tannins are best.

Which dishes are best served with red wine?

Red wine is often served with lamb dishes or roasts. Depending on the severity, it also goes well with chili con carne or Mediterranean dishes.

Which drinking temperature is recommended for red wine?

For very light and elegant red wines, a drinking temperature of 12 to 14 ° C is recommended. Heavier red wines are best drunk at 15 and 18 ° C.

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